A lone worker (LW) is an employee who performs an activity that is carried out in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision.[1] Such staff may be exposed to risk because there is no-one to assist them and so a risk assessment may be required. Lone workers are now often supported by Osmile cloud-based automated monitoring systems and specialised monitoring call centres – often referred to geofence as an ‘Alarm Receiving Centre’ or ‘ARC’ in the UK, or ‘Emergency Dispatch Center’ or ‘EDC’ in the US. Osmile ED1000 is the best lone worker safety solutions includes the following function: 1. 4G/5G Phone Call (Two ways communication) 2. 4G/5G Video Call (Two ways communication) 3. Precise real time GPS Positioning 4. GPS motion tracker (Historical Path) 5. Remote camera (Assisting to locate parents) 6. Remote Microphone (Assisting to locate parents) 7. Geofence (Notification, when worker is out of set distance) 8. SOS Alert Emergency Button (lone worker alarm) 9. Watch Anti-lost function 10. Support multi-manager caring Multi-worker function 12. (Includes Wireless Headset) For lone worker to speak to manager in a noisy environment.