New Company Naming Trap: Be Mindful of Font Issues for Internet Era Business Names

Multi week in my Marketing Minute pamphlet I referenced the organization name “The Muse Is In” in the arrangement of its space name,

Assuming that your email shows up in what’s known as a serif text style, that would have seemed OK. The capital I’s in “Is” and “In” would have minimal flat tops and feet on them (these are called serifs), empowering you to remember them as capital I’s as opposed to bring down case L’s. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that your email shows up in what’s known as a sans-serif text style, you could have been confounded, attempting to sort out what a “Musel” was, on the grounds that the primary capital I seemed to be a lower-case L. Also, for sure, I got a few messages requesting that I make sense of the name.

There was no such thing as before mass utilization of the Internet, this issue, since organizations had almost unlimited oversight of their name and logo on paper. With the exception of when their name showed up in a news story, magazine or registry (and almost consistently, serif text styles were utilized in those settings) organizations could declare the variety, textual style, dividing and encompassing designs of their organization name.

Never again is just evident. On the web and in company name ideas email, somebody’s program setting or email program frequently decide the textual style they are perusing in. Moreover, sans-serif textual styles are very well known both on the web and on paper now.

A similar issue sprung up taking a gander at a print promotion, where I battled to peruse the name of a law office that seemed as though it finished in I-C (two capital I’s, then a C). It took a really long time of gazing and contemplating to understand that what I took to be two capital I’s were implied as two L’s. In this way the three-letter grouping was a shortening for “Restricted Liability Corporation,” which normally shows up after proficient firm names instead of the corporate signifier “Inc.”

In any case, here the fashioner made my confusion. By adapting the two L’s so they were in lower case yet similar level as the C following them (which could never occur in any regular textual style), she made it hard for me to perceive that these were L’s as opposed to I’s. It’s a terrible move, but outwardly satisfying, when you make a piece of an organization name testing to peruse.

Albeit the most concerning issue happens with capital I’s and lower-case L’s, as in the above models, I have a few other genuine occurrences of textual style issues in my records.

* Revver – Spelled R-e v-e-r, this seemed to be R-e-w-e-r to me when I read it on the web, in light of the fact that the text style utilized had no apparent space between the two V’s.