What are the funeral services in different countries?

Cremation is the least expensive funeral option and can be a terrific choice for individuals who want to participate in a “scattering of ashes” ceremony or keep their loved one in a memorial urn. Those who want to have an eco-friendly funeral can choose a natural burial.Following are the good at funeral services in different countries:

  1. India

Literally translated as “final sacrifice,” this Hindu ritual. The deceased are symbolically returned to the elements of creation in a particular rite, depending on their caste, gender, and age. At least one aspect of this ritual frequently involves the use of a funeral pyre.

  1. South Korea

They have to be inventive with the bodies of the deceased because there is so little room for burial in South Korea. In this procedure, the body is pressed into jewellery-like beads after being cremated. They are frequently painted and preserved in a vase or bottle.

  1. China, Taiwan

In Taiwan, having a well-attended funeral is a topic of significant significance. Some families throw parties, hire strippers, organise dances, and prepare lavish spreads to draw crowds.

  1. New Orleans

Jazz musicians play dirges and sombre music as they carry the corpse from the funeral home or church to the burial. Following the service, the band performs happier songs at a celebration of life party for the departed.

  1. Kiribati Skull Burial, the Republic of Kiribati in the Central Pacific

The deceased’s family will preserve, oil, polish, and display this skull in their houses. Food and smoke are occasionally offered to it.

The exhumation motif continues with Famadihana in Madagascar, where “they dig up their deceased every 5-7 years to take care of them.” They dance with the dead, tell stories with them, and re-wrap them in perfume.

  1. England

“Death and grieving were particularly popular topics during the Victorian era. Post-mortem images were frequently taken. A double exposure was used to generate “spirit photographs,” which featured a spectral image of the departed next to a solid image of the grieving. Jewelry and mementos made from the dead’s hair were valued and were offered as gifts of devotion.

  1. North-Eastern Africa

“Passports of the dead” were carried by initiates of ancient cults dedicated to Orpheus and Dionysus as well as followers of certain Egyptian or Semitic religions. On one side of these metal or stone tablets would be a portrait of the deceased, and on the other, would be directions for surviving the afterlife.


So, we have discussed about the funeral services in different countries.